Thursday, October 15, 2015

Introducing My Pen

I am currently reading a book written by, the lovely, Beth Moore called Audacious. I recently went to a simulcast that she spoke at where my wonderful mother purchased a copy of a small book written by our captivating speaker. Inside the first few pages of this paperback treasure, I found these words utterly compelling:

            So today I write. Maybe I’ll talk myself out of this my tomorrow but today I write.” (Moore, 2015)

Ever since grade school I have loved to write. My passion has driven me to compose many poems, songs, stories and thoughts from early on until now. For better or for worse, I love putting a pen to paper. I even find that passing through the stationary section in the department store requires all of my self-control to stroll through empty-handed and stick to my list, carefully composed of just necessities. In recent years my time for creativity has been limited by little time and big timidity. I’ve tried my hand at being a fictional author and even a modern-day blogger, but all too often I find the end of my projects under a pile of excuses and their continuation suppressed by self-criticism. I don’t want to write just so I can hear my thoughts echoed back to me. I don’t want to write to show everyone else my thoughts. I want to write so that God may be reflected in my thoughts.

The reference from the book above was so significant to me because I came to the realization that I don’t have to write for others; I don’t have to pressure myself into finishing a project to feel accomplishment; I can write for God and have the words that are written glorify Him no matter how long or short or finished. I can jot down thoughts that may never be spoken over coffee, songs that may never be sung in church, stories that may never capture the attention of a reader; but may my words honour the creator of the universe, my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

            So even among my chores and family life, and gleaning the words from my current paperback muse, today I write. Maybe I’ll talk myself out of this by tomorrow but today I write!